Pre-installation request form

To ensure a customer has an active Pulse® account for the day of installation, the details of each customer must be submitted to Pulse® via the form below.

Please complete this form at least 5 business days prior to installation. If the pre-installation request is submitted outside this time 369 Labs cannot guarantee that the customer's Pulse® account will be configured and ready for the day of installation.

You will receive a copy of each form submission and the customer will receive a base notification (without attachments or their particulars).

  • Attach a scan/photo of each side of the customer's electricity bill. File size limit of 5MB.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, zip, jpeg.
  • If selected, the customer will be asked to email a copy of their electricity bill (and fuse box image if applicable) to Pulse®.

Technical support: 08 7084 0054

Sales partnerships: 08 7084 0053


A: 182 Melbourne St, North Adelaide, SA 5006

Partner with us to install Pulse®.


Pulse® is engineered in Australia by 369 Labs Pty Ltd

ABN 89 640 004 628

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